Early Bakewell Pudding Recipe

Here is the recipe for a Bakewell Pudding discovered in the recipe book of Clara Palmer-Morewood, one time resident of Alfreton Hall. Dated as it is in 1837 it is possibly the first ever documented version of the almond dessert which local legend claims was invented by accident in the 1860s. Why not have a go at making the famous local dish yourself to this unique 1837 recipe? And don’t forget to let us know how you get on, and send your pictures in (Record.Office@derbyshire.gov.uk) and we’ll put them up here.

D7555/1 Clara Palmer-Morewood recipe book, Alfreton HallIt reads: “Lay a Puff paste over a tin, open tart mould, put into it two dozen raisins stoned and chopped fine (Dryed cherries would be better) Almonds cut thin, candied orange peel, or any kind of Preserve. Beat well the yolks of four eggs, & the white of one, add ¼ lb of clarified butter, & some powdered sugar, beat all together & fill up the mould with the mixture, (Lemon would improve it) bake it in a slow oven – to be eaten cold & sprinkled over with powdered sugar. 1837”

(click image to enlarge)

We will be adding more recipes from Clara’s book (including some medicinal and gardening “recipes”) over the coming weeks, so keep an eye for more delicious dishes to try your hand at

2 thoughts on “Early Bakewell Pudding Recipe

  1. Carolyn Young of The Original Farmers Market Shop in Bakewell (http://thefarmersmarketshop.co.uk/aboutus.php) tells us that they have interpreted the recipe so that the pudding is flavoured with lemon juice and grated lemon and using home made strawberry jam. The shop have made the pudding as per this recipe and it is now on sale. Carolyn says “when cold the powdered sugar makes it superb”

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