Sir Francis Burdett of Foremark Hall: MP and Reformist

I came across Sir Francis Burdett’s Derbyshire connections purely by chance, whilst looking through the Derbyshire Archaeological Society’s print collection for nice images to use on Google Arts, where we put up images and small exhibitions using items from our collections. In that I came across Foremark Hall, just a mile and a half away … Continue reading Sir Francis Burdett of Foremark Hall: MP and Reformist

Authenticity Hoo-Ha pt. 3: Is this Mr Glover’s sketch book?

Authenticity is what archives are all about.  Here is the last in my series of three blog posts on this subject. Some months ago, I had a message from a researcher who had recently been looking at copies of an original document we hold, described in our catalogue as the sketch book of the antiquarian … Continue reading Authenticity Hoo-Ha pt. 3: Is this Mr Glover’s sketch book?