‘Discovering Derbyshire’ – new onsite exhibition

You might have read in our previous post that 22nd September was ‘Derbyshire Day’ and that here at the record office we celebrated by launching 13 new online exhibitions featuring material from our collections.  These exhibitions, on the Google Arts & Culture website, are our take on what makes Derbyshire such a great place to live, work and visit, all with a historical twist of course!

We enjoyed creating the exhibitions so much that we have chosen a selection of the material to feature in an exhibition at our office in Matlock. 

The items illustrate what makes Derbyshire so special, from the county’s industries of textile manufacturing, coalmining, and pottery, to its literary connections and country houses. We explore what makes Derbyshire unique – from its landscape to its culinary specialities. We also show how the conservation staff at the record office look after our wonderful collections.

You can see the exhibition at our office during normal opening hours until 5th January 2024.

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